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Healing & Transformation through the Body.


"...the two most important phrases in therapy, as in yoga, are “notice that” and “what happens next?”. Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”


Dr. Bessel van der Kolk

The Body Keeps The Score


Somatic Coaching at Mynx Aesthetik


Many of us walk around as if we’re just ‘brain-taxis’, as if our brains hold all of our wisdom, and our bodies are largely ignored other than the obvious needs (food, exercise etc). Somatic Coaching helps integrate the mind-body-emotion disconnect that is so prevalent in our modern culture. It is beneficial for many purposes such as:


  • Nervous System Regulation

  • Healthy Emotional Regulation & Expression

  • Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and/or Depression

  • Trauma Recovery (personal & inherited)

  • Healthy Body-Image, Disordered Eating & Addiction


Free 20 Minute Consult

For any new client through Mynx Aesthetik, book a free 20 minute phone consultation!


Find out how Somatic Coaching can support you.


What is somatic coaching? 

Somatic means 'of the body'. Somatic techniques include a massive range of modalities including: dance, yoga, breathwork, rolfing, intuitive movement, body-mind centering, somatic experiencing, tai chi, martial arts, Feldenkrais... and more.​


In somatic coaching, we focus on building more interoceptive awareness (a fancy scientific word for internal awareness), then as we build more of this internal awareness, you learn how to understand what your emotions are trying to tell you (all emotions have a positive intention!).


You'll also learn a variety of somatic exercises to help regulate your nervous system.


How is somatic coaching different from regular therapy?

As awareness grows of the importance of incorporating the body in therapy & healing, more traditional therapists are adding somatic modalities to their practice.


Somatic coaching is best suited for people who are not needing intensive therapy (such as psychotherapy or psychiatry) but who are looking for alternative and/or complementary support. Some people choose to see a traditional therapist in conjunction with a somatic coach.


Whilst somatic coaching is not therapy, nearly all clients experience it as therapeutic and many even use is as a replacement for traditional therapy.


What does a typical session with you look like?

We start with a brief chat, reconnecting to your original intention of working with me, or if there is anything more pressing we may explore that as well.


During our chat, I may share educational insight on what may be occurring - for us over-thinkers, this understanding often helps the mind relax a bit before we dive into somatic exploration.


We will then go into your internal landscape and build awareness of what's happening within you. I'll periodically ask you to share what's occurring so I can keep in sync with you.


Within the session, there will be what I call "embodied homework", based on what's specifically coming up for you. This will be highly encouraged to practice in between our sessions together.


Do you take insurance?

I do not take insurance.


What are your credentials?

Certified Embodiment Coach (CEC) | Embodiment Unlimited

Certified Trauma Embodiment Coach (TCC) | Embodiment Unlimited

Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT) | Yoga Alliance

Registered Non-Linear Movement Method Teacher | Michaela Boehm

Certified Feminine Embodiment Coach (FEC) | School of Embodied Arts

Certified Hypnotherapist (CHt) | Hypnotherapy University

Certified Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga | Embody Lab


Where do we meet?

We will meet in one of the cozy treatment rooms at Grit City Wellness. 

5005 Main St Suite #119
Tacoma, WA 98407


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