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Bring Feminine Energy Into Your Client Work.

"The feminine principle invites us to slow down, to listen deeply, and to connect with the cycles and rhythms that guide our lives."


- Marion Woodman -

12 Weeks of Juicy Feminine Energy Immersion


No surprise here but…


The first step in this FEM journey begins with you.


Because before you help others open their channel to receive, you first get to be in devotion to your own receiving.


Whether you desire to do the optional certification requirements at the end or to simply immerse yourself in the sisterhood and mastermind, this experience will first and foremost be a journey into the embodiment of your own feminine essence.


This is an immersive and experiential program that is taught through ceremony and ritual, written and video content, utilizing feminine embodiment techniques and partner practice through an intimate mastermind container.


This is an Immersive Mastermind plus optional Certification that will allow you to…


  • Confidently claim yourself as a Feminine Energy Mentor in a growing niche or simply weave this into your current coaching.


  • Hold higher energetic boundaries, release your Inner Good Girl and Step into your Wild and Wise Woman so that you can lead from power and strength, not permission seeking or fear.


  • Understand and be able to teach The 4 Feminine Archetypes to your clients and incorporate this into your body of work no matter your area of coaching expertise.


  • Help your clients understand nervous system regulation and somatic practices to allow for deep integration and remembrance of who they truly are—this leads to bigger and more lasting client breakthroughs.


  • Be able to understand and teach the difference between unhealthy masculine/feminine and healthy masculine/feminine so that you can provide integration and healing for your clients who are inevitably burned out and mired down by old paradigms of success that no longer serve.


  • Melt the masculine armor of hustle culture programming and guide your clients through releasing and unfreezing parts of themselves that have been stuffed down, dormant or stuffed away for decades and even lifetimes.


  • Learn to take clients into deeper embodiment and use body-based methods to take them deeper in your sessions and retreats.Learn how to heal Inner Masculine Provider energy to unblock financial stuck-ness for yourself and your clients (wealth and abundance will always be part of any program I teach!)


  • Master masculine/feminine energetic alignment and be able to work with your clients as well as yourself to go deeper than just mindset work. This is embodiment work.

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Who is FEM for?


This program is for established coaches, teachers, therapists, healers who want to experience their own sacred Feminine Embodiment journey and walk away with the resources & tools to be able to facilitate this journey for your clients as well.


This program is the perfect complement for someone who is established in their craft; whether that is traditional therapy, alternative healing, life coaching etc.


These are some of the women that have taken our program:


  • Life & Relationship Coaches

  • Yoga & Movement Teachers

  • Healers & Spiritual Mentors

  • Therapists & Psychologists

  • Hypnotherapists

  • Business & Leadership Coaches

Past Graduates Say...

Brianna Colette | Relationship Coach

Ivy Miles | Spiritual Mentor

The 5 Main Pillars of This Program

Embodiment and Somatic Awareness Framework:

  • Learn to access deeper capacity for receiving--more pleasure, joy, spaciousness, love, and abundance, and wealth.

  • The Pillars of Embodiment, Feminine Embodiment principles & practices (such as Magnetism and Intuitive Movement).

  • Fundamental Nervous system awareness & how to regulate depending on your client’s state.

  • Replacing thoughts of Judgements/criticism (the domain of the masculine) with genuine expression of felt senses (the domain of the feminine).

  • Understanding how ALL sensations have positive intentions & how to map this for yourself and your clients.

The 4 Feminine Archetypes:

  • How to work with the powerful archetypal energy of The Maiden, The Mother, The Crone and Wild Woman and bring more depth your embodied wisdom and widen your range of capacity to show up for clients.

  • Creative and fun ways to incorporate this archetypal energy work in your retreats, coaching sessions and programs. to add value and deepen results.

  • Open the door to feminine wisdom and her many faces and facets to re-member and awaken parts of yourself that have been hiding, dormant, or stuffed down.

  • How to embody the Highest Expression of Your Feminine Energies through understanding the archetypes.

  • Create powerful decision-making abilities for yourself and for your clients when you access the different aspects of the feminine.

Pleasure and Capacity:

  • Learn how to shift from pushing and hustling for success to allowing, opening, and receiving success.

  • How to bring in pleasure as a healing tool into your life and coaching containers so that you can create sustainable success and teach your clients the same.

  • Learn pleasure practices that open your creativity and intuition for faster, more aligned, decision making

  • Sensuality and Turn On: How to live a turned-on life that prioritizes pleasure and desire so you can be dripping in magnetism and embody your authentic essence.

Intuition and Receiving:

  • Learn techniques to get out of your head and drop into your heart (and womb space) to access deeper feminine wisdom.

  • How to access and trust your intuition to guide your coaching containers with confidence.

  • Learn to access your Highest Level of Service and Highest Level Of Receiving (aka permission to charge and receive in abundant amounts)

Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Alchemy:

  • Understand and identify shadow masculine and feminine aspects and archetypes so you can use these are powerful coaching tools for yourself and your clients.

  • How to create balance in your business by integrating soul and strategy.

  • Understand and be able to teach on the aligned masculine and aligned feminine and know when you're in the disempowered masculine/feminine.

  • How to heal the shadow aspects of the masculine and feminine and experience the Divine Union Ceremony.


When you enroll, you will also receive these bonuses…
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BONUS #1: The 4 Feminine Archetype Cards

These beautifully designed digital Archetypes cards can be provided to clients in digital format, or printed on cardstock to utilize in client sessions or retreats.

The back includes the traits of each archetype to help your client connect to each one more deeply inside your work together.

Adding this tangible resource to your coaching practices will be something your clients will be eager to experience and one they won’t forget!

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BONUS #2: Embodiment and Somatic Practice Library


You’ll have lifetime access to our library of embodiment tools, somatic practices, nervous system regulation practices as well as ceremonies to use in your next coaching sessions or retreat.


Our graduates tell us they routinely pop into the portal and access tools to use with clients for deeper breakthroughs and powerful exercises to use during their VIP days and workshops.

The Possibilities Of How You Can Include Feminine Energy Mentorship into Your Coaching Are Endless.

Here’s how some of our past graduates are using FEM content to support their clients…
  • Offer Feminine Energy Mentorship (FEM) to your existing clients as an additional way to work with you and go deeper (and increase your fees or lengthen your container time).


  • Create a FEM style VIP Day using ‘The 4 Feminine Energy Type’ cards to take your client through an incredible VIP experience (we provide templates, ideas, and examples!)


  • Include FEM content in your next paid workshop or masterclass (women are soaking up this content and hungry for it!).


  • Develop a One Day event using the FEM content on masculine/feminine energy dynamics, nervous system regulation, embodiment practices, or The 4 Feminine Archetypes (using the archetype cards) to sell out a high-value event with content and experiences women are eager to learn.


  • Create beautiful retreats using FEM content that include exercises and ceremonies such as The Embodied Yes/No exercise, The Inner Masculine/Inner Feminine Dialogue, Non-Linear Movement Practice, and The Sacred Union Ceremony (and so many more inside our library of practices, exercises and ceremonies).


  • Create a new group program to sell to your audience based on any of the 5 pillars inside The FEM content portal.


  • Teach FEM concepts in your next online or in-person speaking gig.


  • Print out the digital FEM Archetype cards at your local printer on card stock and bring these beautiful cards to your next networking event or speaking opportunity to generate tons of interest in working with you through the process of archetype work.

Meet Your Mentors...

Hello, if we are just getting to know each other! I’ve been coaching spiritual women for over 22 years in energy, business development.

I’ve taken certifications in Hypnotherapy, Trauma & Somatics, Embodied Processing,  Energy Healing. My passion is to see women leading their life and business from their integrated divine feminine & masculine energies. I believe all spiritual women deserve to claim their inner throne and open their channel to receive and be financially rewarded for their sacred work.

Hi! I’m Megan Hart and I hold a liberal arts degree in psychology & spirituality, along with being certified as a Feminine Embodiment Coach, Trauma Embodiment Coach, Registered Yoga Teacher, Nonlinear Movement Teacher & Hypnotherapist.


I’m passionate about helping women embody their innate femininity more authentically. In my free time, I practice Flamenco dance & singing, spend time in nature, and am regularly remembering to slow down & savor life, amidst our hurried culture.

Program Details:​


This program is taught live by Jessica Riverson & Megan Hart over 12 Thursdays starting September 19th, 2024 at 11 am PST (skipping Nov 28th).


Each week we will hold a 90-minute call where you’ll be taken through the FEM curriculum & guided practices. Each call will cover topics such as: feminine energy, embodiment, and somatic practices during class.


There will be plenty of space for Q&A, break-out sessions and practice.

Our membership portal houses all class recordings, handouts, The FEM Archetype Cards, and a rich resource library of Somatic/Embodiment practices that you can utilize for a lifetime.

Enroll for the certificate program by choosing one of the two payment options— $2800 paid In full or 5 monthly payments of $560.

*If you register by August 31st, receive 5 bonus private coaching sessions with Megan!


How long is the course?

This is a 90-day Mastermind/Certification. The program runs from Thursday Sept 19th to Thursday December 12th. Calls are held Thursdays at 11 am pst, skipping Nov 28th. 

What does the certification entail?

To receive a certificate of completion in The Feminine Energy Mentor program you will have a few requirements including partner practice sessions, answering some questions and submitting your work for review. You may call yourself a Feminine Energy Mentor after completion.

Is certification required?

Not at all. But we will send you a beautiful certificate if you do! Some of our participants do not choose to complete the certification requirements and enjoy experiencing this immersion for their own benefits and incorporating some of the techniques with their clients without getting the certificate.

Does certification cost extra?

No! This part is optional, but there is no cost to get a certificate of completion.

Still have questions?

Let's hop on a call.

I can answer any questions you might still have & we can make sure it's a good fit for us both!

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