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Spanda Sangha

a course for women to [re-]discover themselves through sisterhood.


Opening October 2, 2023

Spanda Sangha

Spanda [Sanskrit]: divine pulsation
Sangha [Sanskrit]: community

There is a deep longing for more community - and this need has become particularly apparent as we move out of the pandemic and simultaneously further into a world where artificial intelligence is becoming the norm. 

There is also a deep longing from people to make their lives mean something. To truly live a life that's fulfilling, of service and rooted in genuine connection, not only with one another, but with oneself, and with nature.


Community can be formed in many ways. For any community to flourish, and for its people to flourish, there are certain things that nourishingly tie us together.


Spanda is the first principle of Nondual Saiva Tantra I learned about. It is when I heard this principle being shared, that I knew I landed in an understanding of this world that finally made sense to me.


Spanda is the divine pulsation, the rhythm, the pattern, the ebb & flow, the expansion & contraction that is at the heart of our very existence. This principle can be experienced everywhere: in our heart-beat, our pulse, a woman having contractions while giving birth, a flower opening during the day & closing at night.


On a deeper level, a level that takes slowing down & whole-body listening to tune into, our entire universe is pulsating. Science shows this as the universe is currently expanding in a billion-years process, and it will start contracting after another several billion years. 


When we build capacity to tune into our very nature, and let go of what is causing us suffering, we can live deeply aligned, fulfilling lives, full of aliveness, joy, connection, expression and love.

Regardless if you've lived just 20 years or you've been fortunate enough to live 80 years, each decade we deepen into cycles and rhythms of who we are.


Ty | Wales, UK

"Megan draws from a wealth of philosophical concepts, established science, and esoteric practices to help me navigate both my internal world and in the shared world. The premise of 'embodied knowledge' is that your body has the wisdom to answer your questions. Megan has a real skill in guiding your (re-)discovery."

Why Women?

Whilst Spanda is a universal principle - it is absolutely beneficial for anyone to have direct experience of it, and we all need more community - it's become increasingly clear over the past several years that part of my dharma is working with women.


We have a pulsation, a rhythm, an energetic body that is unique to us. 


This beautiful difference has come up over and over and over in client sessions, in group workshops, and in my own body. 


There is also still a deep need for women to feel truly empowered - not as a reaction to [oppression etc] , but from a rooted place within.


The several waves of feminism in our world have brought us to this point of immense freedom - we thank our ancestors for this. 


  • Still, women's bodies weren't required to be in medical studies in the United States until 1993. Let that sink in.

  • We learn many things that are recommended for our health, are great for men but not for women - intermittent fasting for example. 

  • Many disease symptoms are different in women's bodies than in men's bodies.

  • What was once called hysteria, hypochondria, all in our head, is now pointing to how we are sensitive to things that many men simply aren't. 

  • Birth control 'tricks' your body into thinking it's pregnant just as much as it 'tricks' it into thinking it's in menopause. 

  • When a woman is on birth control, her natural senses are altered. 

  • PMS is more a sign of how our culture is out of alignment with this deeper rhythm, than it's something 'wrong' with us. (PMS tends to clear up the more embodied a woman becomes.)

  • We celebrate the feminine youth and beauty, but once signs of aging appear, we flee from our deep, feminine wisdom. Where are our crones? Our trusted elders? 


This wave of empowerment comes through direct experience via the individual body - held in the communal body of sisterhood.

In This 6+ Month Journey...

The 1st Month we will set a Foundation:


  • Fundamental Nervous System Regulation Tools

  • Aligning With Your Core Values

  • Fundamental Menstrual/Moon Cycle Tools

  • Overstimulation/Addiction Fasting


2nd Month we facilitate Space & Healing:


  • The Art of Slowing Down & Spaciousness

  • Embodied Ritual & Devotion

  • Body Image Love & Food Nourishment

  • Planning a Mini Self-Retreat


3rd Month we learn how to Navigate:


  • Numbness, Dissociation & Disembodiment

  • Discerning other Subtle Sensations & Their Benefits

  • Mind-Realm/Fantasy Escapism


4th Month we dive deeper in Embodiment & Emotions:


  • The Benefits of All Emotions

  • How to Track Sensation

  • Guided Feminine Embodiment Practices


5th Month we move into Visioning:


  • Getting Clear on Your Authentic Yes & No

  • Elemental Embodiment Practices

  • Guided Magnetism Practice


6th Month we bring this into Expression & Relating:


  • Authentic Expression of Dharma & What Lights You Up

  • Embodied Relating, Connection & Communication

  • You Will Choose a Project to Devote to For This.

Whilst the program is structured for a 6-month process, it can be repeated, gone through with some variation of order depending on your unique needs, and anyone is welcome to stay for as long as they like for the strong community aspect.

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What's Included...


I look forward to growing deeper roots with you. 


xo Megan

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