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Oct 13, 20214 min read
It's OK to be angry right now - things are f*cked
The pandemic has taken a lot from many people. The death of so many loved ones is an obvious heart break. The fact that we simply don’t...

Aug 9, 20216 min read
You Might Not Be Depressed, You Might Just Be (Temporarily) Frozen...
When I am not at 'my best', my tendency is to be on the sad, melancholy and even frozen side. It appears lazy, sluggish, procrastinating,...

Jul 2, 20213 min read
Who Are Your Role Models?
In my arena of work in Embodiment, there is a line ‘truth’ that floats around above all else… that embodiment is about ‘coming home to...

Mar 26, 20213 min read
When Beauty Takes Over...
I cried this morning. In public. For a while too. I poured my coffee to-go, put the nephew doggies in my car and drove to the beach. As...

Mar 8, 20214 min read
I Used to Pride Myself in Perceiving People's Flaws...
I used to pride myself in being able to perceive people’s weaknesses, flaws, voids… where they fell short - not because I had the desire...

Feb 24, 20212 min read
The Benefits of Exhaustion
Exhaustion has a pretty bad reputation… who likes to feel totally and utterly depleted, zapped of all energy, excitement and inspiration?...
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